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Result-driven, Tailored approach, Hands-on mentality and Overall pragmatic.
Lean Material Management & Logistics

Most companies focus on the assembly process, without focusing too much on how material is flowing through or stored in your supply chain.

Typically orders come in to a company with unpredictable frequency. The ERP/MRP is translating this demand and is releasing orders in a logical sequence. Orders can get dispersed to different manufacturing sites. Then the manufacturing sites are releasing orders to their supply chain. Often based on a logic buried deep in an ERP or MRP or advanced planning tool. Consolidation of orders often happen in a distribution center making the complete supply chain very un-transparent and difficult to manage.

Lean material management is ensuring you regain control over your material flow. Sherlock is helping your company in developing and implementing a lean material flow. Changing to lean material management is not a simple task. But it is a task any company can do, if you have the dedication and courage to take the first step.


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